I LOVE collecting!

I collect all sorts of bits and pieces to do with gardening particularly indoor gardening.  I love to find vintage plant stands, pots in all colours, shapes and sizes, unusual plants and gardening books from the last 70 years.

I’ve always had bits and pieces but over the past few years its grown and grown into a collection and I just can’t help hunting for new  and unusual pieces to add to it. I have to admit some of it I don’t particularly like but they are such rare finds I just can’t say no!

ImageAbove is some of my tillandsias living happily in tea cups!

My collection comes from all over Australia and the world. I love nothing more than searching vintage stores and markets for that next gem and then there’s my internet finds!


The ladies at the post office laughed when I told them what was in the giant parcel that had arrived from Germany. This one arrived in such a large box but was quite light so there had been a guessing game as to what was in the parcel.


Here’s one of the quirkier finds sent from the other side of the world. This vintage swan watering can is quite delicate, very kitsch but it’s travelled so far it deserves to stay in the collection for the moment!

I love searching for that next needle in a haystack!

Stay tuned for my latest finds……..

4 thoughts on “I LOVE collecting!

  1. I love your gardening collection, too! It’s so beautifully arranged.
    Your photos are lovely and make me feel like I’m there. 🙂

    Wishing you all the best,
    Mary (from BYW Bootcamp)

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